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Portfolio holdings may encompass a wide range of investment products, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, futures, and exchange traded funds (ETFs).

The holdings encompass a combination of both long and short-term equity delivery stocks. You will have visibility into three types of holdings, including Demat Holdings, Collateral Holdings, and Unsettled Holdings, which are expected to be delivered from the stock exchange.

Method: POST

Request details

ParameterDescriptionData typesExample
userIdUser id of the logged in user.String"AA1999"
jKeyKey Obtained on login success.String"d9b4e1b1c79042476fd96
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"userId": "AA123",
"jKey": "e6a211bea63adff386578988e1cf4a9521c4744e6a39ad63174c8797e2af8c38"

Response success details

ParameterDescriptionData typesExamples
data.holdQuantityHolding quantityString"0"
data.BTSTQuantityBTST quantityString"0"
data.usedQuantityHolding used todayString"0"
data.sellAmountSell AmountString"0.000000"
data.uploadPriceUpload PriceString"1027.55"
data.tradeQuantityTrade QuantityString"0"

Response Details: Json Fields of object in values Array

ParameterDescriptionData typesExample
tradingSymbolTrading symbol of the scrip (contract)String"DEEPAKFERT"
tokenToken of the scrip (contract)String"500645"
pricePrecisionNot_Ok Price precisionString"2"
tickSizeTick sizeString"0.05"
lotSizeLot sizeString"1"

Failure response details

ParameterDescriptionData TypeExample
codeHTTP CodeString"401"
nameType of errorString"INVALID_JKEY"
error.fieldError fieldString"jKey"
error.messageError messageString"jKey parameter is invalid"

Sample response

"status": "Success",
"data": [
"exchangeTradingSymbol": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "11184",
"tradingSymbol": "IDFCFIRSTB-EQ",
"pricePrecision": "2",
"tickSize": "0.05",
"lotSize": "1"
"exchange": "BSE",
"token": "539437",
"tradingSymbol": "IDFCFIRSTB",
"pricePrecision": "2",
"tickSize": "0.05",
"lotSize": "1"
"sellAmount": "0.000000",
"holdQuantity": "0",
"uploadPrice": "58.50",
"BTSTQuantity": "0",
"usedQuantity": "0",
"tradeQuantity": "0"
"exchangeTradingSymbol": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "1660",
"tradingSymbol": "ITC-EQ",
"pricePrecision": "2",
"tickSize": "0.05",
"lotSize": "1"
"exchange": "BSE",
"token": "500875",
"tradingSymbol": "ITC",
"pricePrecision": "2",
"tickSize": "0.05",
"lotSize": "1"
"sellAmount": "0.000000",
"holdQuantity": "0",
"uploadPrice": "349.25",
"BTSTQuantity": "0",
"usedQuantity": "0",
"tradeQuantity": "0"
"exchangeTradingSymbol": [
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "827",
"tradingSymbol": "DEEPAKFERT-EQ",
"pricePrecision": "2",
"tickSize": "0.05",
"lotSize": "1"
"exchange": "BSE",
"token": "500645",
"tradingSymbol": "DEEPAKFERT",
"pricePrecision": "2",
"tickSize": "0.05",
"lotSize": "1"
"sellAmount": "0.000000",
"holdQuantity": "0",
"uploadPrice": "1027.55",
"BTSTQuantity": "0",
"usedQuantity": "0",
"tradeQuantity": "0"