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User details

This sections let’s us know how to fetch the information of the logged in user.

Method POST

Request details

ParameterDescriptionData typesExample
userIdUser Id of the login userString"AA1999"
jKeyToken received from login APIString"150c4971ef34f705a800f
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"userId": "AA123",
"jKey": "e6a211bea63adff386578988e1cf4a9521c4744e6a39ad63174c8797e2af8c38"

Success response details

ParameterDescriptionData typesExamples
data.requestTimeResponse received time.String"17:01:12 10-02-2023"
data.userNameName given to the user during registration.String"jon tester"
data.actidAccount idString"SS1197"
data.exchangeJson array of strings with enabled, allowed exchange namesString"NSE","BSE","NIPO"
data.orarrJson array of Product Obj with enabled products, as defined below.String"LMT","MKT","SL-LMT","SL-MKT"
data.uprevAlways it will be an INVESTOR, other types of user not allowed to login using this API.String"INVESTOR"
data.emailE-mail given by the userString"[email protected]"

Failure response details

ParameterDescriptionData TypeExample
codeHTTP CodeString"401"
nameType of errorString"INVALID_JKEY"
error.fieldError fieldString"jKey"
error.messageError messageString"jKey parameter is invalid"

Sample response

"status": "Success",
"data": {
"requestTime": "16:47:03 01-09-2022",
"userName": "AA199",
"exchange": [
"orarr": [
"email": "[email protected]"",
"actid": "SS1197",
"uprev": "INVESTOR",