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Short Strangle

The Short Strangle places two orders which one leg will be call and another will be put, the strike price can be defined by the users and both the strike prices could be different, over here the user is able to define hedge value which will then place two buy and two sell orders.

POST: /apiV2/strategies/shortStrangle

Request Details

Parameter Description
symbol Trading Symbol e.g.("NIFTY", "BANKNIFTY")
callStrikePrice Strike Price of the symbol e.g.("17500", "16130")
putStrikePrice Strike Price of the symbol e.g.("17500", "16130")
expiry Date month year e.g.("03NOV22")
product C / M / I C -> Cash and Carry, M -> F&O Normal, I -> Intraday
quantity Order Quantity
remarks User can send remarks for the order
hedge This parameter enables the hedge to used or not, type: bool
hedgeValue ATM value for the hedge to be placed, type: integer
jKey Key Obtained on login success.
actId Act Id of the login user


curl --X POST '' \
--H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--d '{
    "symbol": "",
    "callStrikePrice": "",
    "putStrikePrice": "",
    "expiry": "",
    "product": "",
    "quantity": "",
    "remarks": "",
    "jKey": "",
    "actId": "",
    "hedge": "",
    "hedgeValue": ""
from thefirstock import thefirstock

SS = thefirstock.firstock_ShortStrangle(
const Firstock = require('thefirstock');

const firstock = new Firstock();
    symbol: "NIFTY",
    callStrikePrice: "17500",
    putStrikePrice: "17000",
    expiry: "10NOV22",
    product: "I",
    quantity: "1",
    remarks: "ShortStrangleWithOutHedge",
    hedge: false,
    hedgeValue: 300,
    (err, result) => {
    console.log("Error, ", err);
    console.log("Result: ", result);
   var result = firstock.shortStrangle(symbol: "",
                                       putStrikePrice: "",
                                       callStrikePrice: "",
                                       expiry: "",
                                       product: "",
                                       quantity: "",
                                       remarks: ""


Success Response Details

Parameter Description
data.requestTime Response received time.
data.orderNumber It will be present only on successful Order placement to OMS.

Failure Response Details

Parameter Description
Status Failed
data Type of error

Sample Response

    "Status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "requestTime": "14:49:28 07-11-2022",
        "orderNumber": ""
    "Status": "Success",
    "data": {
        "requestTime": "14:49:28 07-11-2022",
        "orderNumber": ""
  "Status": "Failed",
  "data": "Invalid Input :   Invalid Trading Symbol"
  "Status": "Failed",
  "data": "Invalid Input :   Invalid Trading Symbol"