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Response Structure

All APIs are considered as the POST method. All the input, as well as output data type, will be in string format unless it’s mentioned in the rest explanation section.

Exchanges Products Price Types Transaction Types
BSE - BSE Equity C - Cash & Carry for equity MKT - Market Order B - Buy
NSE - NSE Equity I - Intraday LMT - Limit Order S - Sell
NFO - NSE Future and Options M – Regular SL-LMT - Stop Loss Limit Order

Successful request

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "Status": "Success",
    "data": {}

All responses from the API server are JSON with the content-type application/json unless explicitly stated otherwise. A successful 200 OK response always has a JSON response body with a status key with the value success. The data key contains the full response payload.

Failed request

HTTP/1.1 500 Server error
Content-Type: application/json

  "Status": "Failed",
  "message": "Error message",
  "errorType": "GeneralException"

A failure response is preceded by the corresponding 40x or 50x HTTP header. The status key in the response envelope contains the value error. The message key contains a textual description of the error and errorTypecontains the name of the exception. There may be an optional data key with additional payload.

Data types

Values in JSON responses are of types string, int, float, or bool.

Timestamp (datetime) strings in the responses are represented in the form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, set under the Indian timezone (IST) — UTC+5.5 hours.

A date string is represented in the form yyyy-mm-dd.