Get Security Info
The Get SecurityInfo APIs enable you to get comliate information about the instruments .
POST: /api/securityInfo
Request Details
Parameter | Description |
userId | Logged in User Id |
exchange | Exchange |
token | Contract Token |
jKey | Key Obtained on login success. |
from thefirstock import thefirstock
SI = thefirstock.firstock_SecurityInfo(
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"userId": "",
"jKey": "",
"exchange": "NSE",
"token": "26000"
const Firstock = require('thefirstock');
const firstock = new Firstock();
exchange: "",
token: ""
}, (err, result) => {
console.log("Error, ", err)
console.log("Result: ", result)
using thefirstock;
class Program
public static void Main()
Firstock firstock = new Firstock();
var result = firstock.getSecurityInfo(exchange: "NSE", token: "22");
Response Details
Parameter | Description |
request_time | It will be present only on successful logout. |
stat | Ok or Not_Ok Market watch success or failure indication. |
exch | NSE, BSE,NFO ... Exchange |
tsym | Trading Symbol |
cname | Company Name |
symnam | Symbol Name |
seg | Segment |
exd | Expiry Date |
instname | Intrument Name |
strprc | Strike Price |
optt | Option Type |
isin | ISIN |
ti | Tick Size |
ls | Lot Size |
pp | Price precision |
mult | Multiplier |
gp_nd | gn/gd * pn/pd |
prcunt | Price Units |
prcqty | Price Quote Qty |
trdunt | Trade Units |
delunt | Delivery Units |
frzqty | Freeze Qty |
gsmind | scripupdate Gsm Ind |
elmbmrg | Elm Buy Margin |
gsmind | Elm Sell Margin |
elmsmrg | scripupdate Gsm Ind |
addbmrg | Additional Long Margin |
addsmrg | Additional Short Margin |
splbmrg | Special Long Margin |
splsmrg | Special Short Margin |
delmrg | Delivery Margin |
tenmrg | Tender Margin |
tenstrd | Tender Start Date |
tenendd | Tender End Eate |
exestrd | Exercise Start Date |
exeendd | Exercise End Date |
elmmrg | Elm Margin |
varmrg | Var Margin |
expmrg | Exposure Margin |
token | Contract Token |
prcftr_d | ((GN / GD) * (PN/PD)) |
emsg | Error Occurred : 5 \"no data\ |
delmrg | 50.00 |
uc | 2417.85 |
lc | 1978.25 |
Sample Response
"request_time":"01:09:36 30-05-2022",
"cname":"ACC LIMITED",
"prcftr_d":"(1 / 1 ) * (1 / 1)",
"stat": "Not_Ok",
"request_time": "10:50:54 10-12-2020",
"emsg": "Error Occurred : 5 \"no data\""