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Get Security Info

The Get SecurityInfo APIs enable you to get comliate information about the instruments .

POST: /api/securityInfo

Request Details

Parameter Description
userId Logged in User Id
exchange Exchange
token Contract Token
jKey Key Obtained on login success.


from thefirstock import thefirstock

SI = thefirstock.firstock_SecurityInfo(
 curl -X POST '' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
         "userId": "",
         "jKey": "",
         "exchange": "NSE",
         "token": "26000"
const Firstock = require('thefirstock');

const firstock = new Firstock();

    exchange: "",
    token: ""
 }, (err, result) => {
console.log("Error, ", err)
console.log("Result: ", result)
using thefirstock;

class Program
public static void Main()
    Firstock firstock = new Firstock();
    var result = firstock.getSecurityInfo(exchange: "NSE", token: "22");

Response Details

Parameter Description
request_time It will be present only on successful logout.
stat Ok or Not_Ok
Market watch success or failure indication.
exch NSE, BSE,NFO ...
tsym Trading Symbol
cname Company Name
symnam Symbol Name
seg Segment
exd Expiry Date
instname Intrument Name
strprc Strike Price
optt Option Type
isin ISIN
ti Tick Size
ls Lot Size
pp Price precision
mult Multiplier
gp_nd gn/gd * pn/pd
prcunt Price Units
prcqty Price Quote Qty
trdunt Trade Units
delunt Delivery Units
frzqty Freeze Qty
gsmind scripupdate Gsm Ind
elmbmrg Elm Buy Margin
gsmind Elm Sell Margin
elmsmrg scripupdate Gsm Ind
addbmrg Additional Long Margin
addsmrg Additional Short Margin
splbmrg Special Long Margin
splsmrg Special Short Margin
delmrg Delivery Margin
tenmrg Tender Margin
tenstrd Tender Start Date
tenendd Tender End Eate
exestrd Exercise Start Date
exeendd Exercise End Date
elmmrg Elm Margin
varmrg Var Margin
expmrg Exposure Margin
token Contract Token
prcftr_d ((GN / GD) * (PN/PD))
emsg Error Occurred : 5 \"no data\
delmrg 50.00
uc 2417.85
lc 1978.25

Sample Response

   "request_time":"01:09:36 30-05-2022",
   "cname":"ACC LIMITED",
   "prcftr_d":"(1 / 1 ) * (1 / 1)",
"stat": "Not_Ok",
"request_time": "10:50:54 10-12-2020",
"emsg": "Error Occurred : 5 \"no data\""